spoj: classical ⇝ wpc4f ⇝ Through the troops

simple dp problem.

             ⇢⇢⇢⇢ mat[x][y]                             if x = 0
dp[x][y] ⇶⇶
             ⇢⇢⇢⇢ mat[x][y] + min(dp[x - 1][i])          i ∈ [0, n) - [y]

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring,bad-builtin,star-args
from sys import stdin
def main():
dstream = iter(map(int, stdin.read().split()))
for _ in xrange(next(dstream)):
mat = [[next(dstream), next(dstream), next(dstream)] for _ in xrange(next(dstream))]
for x in xrange(1, len(mat)):
for y in xrange(3):
mat[x][y] += min(mat[x – 1][:y] + mat[x – 1][y + 1:])
print min(mat[-1])

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